
Do It Yourself Epley Maneuver
Do It Yourself Epley Maneuver

Because the exercise can be performed by most people with the disease, its home use should result in considerable savings in health care costs both for consumers and health plans" Foster said. Both exercises were able to relieve symptoms of the disease patients reported less dizziness and had fewer complications when self-applying the Half Somersault Maneuver. Our research team compared the Epley maneuver to the Half Somersault Maneuver when used as a home exercise. "The Half Somersault Maneuver however reduces this risk while allowing the particles to be quickly relocated without the need for an assistant. During these maneuvers, there is also a risk that the particles can be moved into other spinning sensors, resulting in an increase in symptoms rather than improvement. The Epley maneuver is one that is applied by a physician or physical therapist and can be used at home and is effective in approximately 90 percent of cases but these exercises can be hard to self-apply, because they cause severe vertigo during the exercise and require a precise sequence of head movements that usually require an assistant. It can be used as an alternative to the more common Epley maneuver. After treatment there is a tendency for this accidental particle entry to recur, and treatment is needed each time this happens.Ĭarol Foster, MD, associate professor in the department of Otolaryngology at the University of Colorado School of Medicine, devised a new exercise, the Half Somersault Maneuver. The symptoms can be relieved by maneuvers that relocate these particles. This type of vertigo is unusual because it is a purely mechanical disorder in which particles used to sense gravity accidentally enter the spinning-motion sensors of the ear. The disorder causes more than a quarter of the vertigo experienced worldwide and has a lifetime prevalence of 2.4 percent. can expect to have benign paroxysmal positional vertigo, a common vertigo disorder, especially as they age. More than seven million people in the U.S.

Do It Yourself Epley Maneuver